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The Kentucky Derby is a spectacle of an event for all those who attend whether dressed to impress in the grandstand or partying in the infield. A unique perspective that is shared by a select group of people is the experience of the Derby as a member of the University of Louisville Cardinal Marching Band. As a graduating senior I throughly enjoyed my Derby experience and my last performance of “My Old Kentucky Home” with the Cardinal Marching Band.

The University of Louisville Cardinal Marching Band has the honor of playing such a special song at Derby. The day is long, but well worth the the thrill of playing that famous song. With a call time of 8am, the day began early for the Cardinal Marching Band. It was not until after an hour rehearsal of that famous song that the band suited up and loaded the busses to head to Churchill Downs.

Arriving at the track, the band exited the busses in full uniform with instrument cases in hand. The band is stationed in the military compound inside the infield. The Cardinal Marching Band and the 113th Army Band Dragoons trade off performing before races. Passing the day, the Cardinal Marching Band members relax in the compound or venture out into the infield to see some of the spectacle that takes place.

Enjoyed the infield and loving the sun.

Relaxing and keeping cool.

Dr. Frederick Speck and T.A. Matt Williams

Normally there is rainy weather to take into account to protect uniforms and instruments, but Derby 138 was free of rain. Instead the sun celebrated the entire day, but the heat was exhausting, especially wearing the warm band uniforms. The heat made for a long day that was forgotten during the moments when the Cardinal Marching Band raised their instruments and performed “My Old Kentucky Home” to the largest crowd in Derby history.

I know I was exhausted on the ride home, but I will always remember my last Derby as a member of the University of Louisville Cardinal Marching Band. From the first time I played at Derby, I have appreciated the variation each year. I could not have asked for a better Kentucky Derby experience for my final performance at such a special event.

More photos of Derby Day and the Cardinal Marching Band:

Enjoying lunch.

Passing time playing cards.

Ready to perform and enjoy the festivities.

Taking a nap.

Director, Dr. Amy Acklin relaxing in the shade.

‘Go Cards!’