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A brief apology for a lack of posts over the summer. I could make numerous excuses, such as preparing to move to a new state, gearing up to start law school, and just not having the time. In reality I didn’t do very many exciting things until the end of summer and I was a bit lazy, so I got out of the habit. I am starting up my blogs again as I am finding all sorts of new, exciting things to do in Columbia, Missouri. I plan to keep up with weekly posts again. It may be a little difficult with law school, but I will try my hardest.

Part of Mizzou’s campus with the Law School in the background to the right.

So, now an introduction to my new surroundings in Columbia. I have already adopted the familiar name for Columbia, Missouri, “CoMo”. It’s just so much more fun to say. The weather has been cooler here in CoMo than the Texas weather I had to endure. That benefit was countered by my apparent allergic dislike of ragweed. I have spent the past week fairly miserable suffering from the worst allergies I have had. So if you plan on visiting lovely CoMo in August or September, make sure to start your allergy regiment before you get here to beat the ragweed.

As I mentioned, I have just started law school (week one down, so many more to go). I have also been accepted into the School of Journalism and will begin my Masters classes in Journalism next fall. I am studying at the University of Missouri and am quickly becoming acclimated to campus and the surrounding area. In comparison to UofL, the campus is more spread out, although it is even closer to downtown than the Louisville campus. In fact, you can walk a block off campus and find yourself in downtown Columbia. The entire town itself is smaller than Louisville though.

Another area of campus.

This is just a brief introduction to my new home. I already have several events to tell you about that I have found and enjoyed. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you and hope you will enjoy hearing about the new chapter of my adventures.